Personal Stories
1 in 4 of us will experience a mental health problem in any year. That’s why it is so important to make it normal to talk about mental health and to listen and support each other. Sharing personal stories can really help.
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Here are some stories from people who have been involved with us through Let’s Chat.
Testimonial 1
Feedback from college learner after accessing one of the Let’s Chat Talking Health webinars
I feel safer experiencing my own difficult emotions. I have been increasingly able to feel more positive emotions and my depression feels like it has lifted. The practical advice on how to sit with my emotions has been extremely beneficial.
Testimonial 2
Below is an email from a parent of a college learner who benefited from targeted work and anxiety resources as part of Let’s Chat.
Just a quick email to thank you for your hard work. I am so pleased at how well X is doing at college. She loves this course and it’s done wonders for her. I now have a child that comes home happy bursting to tell me about her day. But the biggest change has been on X in the evening and bedtime. I no longer have a child that comes into my room with anxiety and worries needing me to reassure her but someone who is still telling me about the good the things she is looking forward to tomorrow. As a parent of a child who was a school refuser because of anxiety and couldn’t even get out of the car in the mornings this is the greatest outcome I could have wished for. Thank you so very much for your help, you have made a massive difference to both of our lives.
Testimonial 3
Senior Manager at FE College who accessed their Let’s Chat programme for staff
I have fully participated in all areas of the Lets Chat Programme. Having lost someone close to me due to poor mental health, I recognise the importance of looking after my own mental health but also looking after others. Prior to engaging with the Let’s chat programme I would have to say that my understanding and recognition of poor Mental Health, was limited at best. Alongside this, I would also have been very unsure and apprehensive speaking to someone and supporting then to access the right support.
Let’s Chat has given me an understanding of the importance of emotional literacy and how increasing my emotional literacy can effect positively impact on understanding my emotions and how they underpin my behaviour and choices. Being more emotionally literate can support me to develop self-confidence, boosting self-esteem, improve resilience, and improve relationships with others. I have undertaken a number of the Let’s Chat workshops which have all given a unique insight in to various aspects of Mental Health and steps that can be taken to improve mental health. These workshops have given the opportunity for me to reflect and apply guidance and knowledge to myself but also to those that I interact with which has been so useful during this very difficult year. I have also been lucky enough to have attended the MHFA training which was brilliant. I have already started to apply the skills I have learnt to provide Mental Health First Aid to other staff around me, having had great success with one member of staff already. I feel that I have the ability to ask the right questions and confidence to sign post to appropriate support.
Poor mental health is often silent and as such it is so incredibly important to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms to look out for, raise peoples emotional literacy and support ways for people to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Now more than ever this programme was needed and I feel I have benefited enormously from it and hope to use what I have learnt to benefit others.
Testimonial 4
Feedback to college learner after accessing remote counselling offered through Let’s Chat programme
After counselling I now feel like I can manage my anxiety and stress better, I also feel more confident in the course that I am doing and no longer get anxiety when I go to college. I also now know some coping strategies that I can use if I ever feel anxiety or stress in the future.
Testimonial 5
FE College lecturer who participated in staff development training run as part of Let’s Chat
A superb training course with a lot of in-depth discussions, and thought-provoking material. Our course manager X was outstanding and delivered a great course, at a pace I could absorb the huge amount of information and facilitated some great discussions around mental health. I’m now very confident in the knowledge that I can make the difference in a mental health crisis situation having done this course, that you could not really put a value on it. Cracking course, everyone should do it.